What we do
Any kind of 3D hard surface and any kind of 3D
environment art. Cool vehicles, detailed environment
and props. Regarding the characters: kittens -
definitely no, troopers –yes, robots – definitely yes,
deadly robo-kittens – yes, yes, yes please!

- Skills
- Culture
- Time
- Сost
This part is for Google
skip it
This part is for Google search engines so just skip it. Meerkat Clan Studio was established in 2013. Same as in 2013 we stay focused
on hard surface 3D art outsourcing services for game development as well as VR (actually there is no difference at all but everyone has
to mention that they used to work with VR). We do modeling, texturing, rigging, skinning and animation. Clan has two production
offices (Lviv&Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine) and the head office in Cyprus. Total 39 artists – very talented, experienced, motivated, reliable and so on.
Providing highest quality 3D art services for leading companies. You get five percent discount if you read this. I can send you photo of
the tower made of the boxes with titles we used to work on – it will tell you more than all this text.